KC Armstrong, host of the Keepin it Real live radio show at WRNW1-Women’s Radio Network, interviewed Stratecon President Rodney T. Smith, Ph. D. for the second time on January 14, 2015. The interview covered a range of topics, but turned heavily on U.S.-Mexico water relations.
Rodney spoke about the 1944 U.S.-Mexico water treaty that governs the sharing of water from the Colorado and Rio Grande Rivers, plans for a desalination plant in the State of Baja and Mexico’s failure to make regular deliveries of Rio Grande Water to Texas. He also fielded questions about the quality of drinking water in the United States and Mexico, discussed how technological innovation has reduced the cost of desalinated water and gave information on Stratecon’s work in the water resource management field, including an announcement of a recently closed agreement on a project called “Aquafair,” where people would trade their interest in water.
WRNW1 is a global, networking community for women professionals and entrepreneurs dedicated to educating their listeners with the knowledge to succeed and maintain success in their chosen professions. With the belief that experience is the best teacher, they empower their listeners by sharing personal stories, challenges, victories and secrets to success. Their interviewees tell their stories and share ideas regarding tenacity, leadership, motivation, ingenuity and overcoming obstacles.
KC Armstrong, an official spokesperson for the Women’s Radio Network who is best known for his previous work as a producer and cast member on the Howard Stern Show, uses his the Keepin It Real show to empower “female professionals around the world with his riveting interviews and introductions to up and coming talent.”
Listen to the interview here: